Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Online Learning Environment is one of four microcredentials available in ACUE's Course in Effective Online Teaching Practices. Modules in this credential present practices for welcoming students to online learning, promoting civil online learning environments, engaging underprepared students in online learning, helping students persist in online learning, embracing diversity in online learning, providing useful feedback for online learning, and checking for student understanding in online learning.
Individuals who earn this certificate have satisfied the expectations of the ACUE microcredential Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Online Learning Environment, including successful completion of at least 6 modules aligned to ACUE’s Effective Practice Framework. Certificate holders have demonstrated knowledge of and skill in implementing teaching practices that promote student achievement. Certificate holders typically have invested approximately 12.5 hours to meet course requirements.
In ACUE's module Welcoming Students to Online Learning, faculty learn how to plan ahead to ensure a successful course launch, help students understand course expectations, and build a community of learners through the use of introductory discussion posts and ice breakers.
Awarded December 21, 2020
In ACUE's module Promoting Civil Online Learning Environments, faculty learn how to work with students to set expectations for a civil online learning environment. In addition, the module includes practices for appropriately addressing low-, mid-, and high-level challenges to the online learning environment.
Awarded January 7, 2021
In ACUE's module Engaging Underprepared Students in Online Learning, faculty learn how to assess students’ prior knowledge to inform their instruction, incorporate research-based study skills, and monitor students’ online activity to identify challenges they may be facing. Faculty will also learn practices to develop learning resources and to encourage the use of campus resources for academic support.
Awarded January 15, 2021
In ACUE's module Helping Students Persist in Online Learning, faculty learn about practices that build a growth mindset and help students overcome imposter syndrome, the power of peer-to-peer support groups and offering students choice, and the use of peer support groups to increase persistence.
Awarded January 26, 2021
In ACUE's module Embracing Diversity in Online Learning, faculty examine how their own experiences have shaped their perspectives and observe the importance of valuing different viewpoints. In addition, the module addresses the power of explicit and implicit messages (including microaggressions and stereotype threats) and offers practices to create an inclusive online learning environment and a curriculum that is representative of diverse students.
Awarded February 8, 2021
In ACUE's module Checking for Student Understanding in Online Learning, faculty learn how to check for student understanding by using quality questioning practices such as wait time and calling on nonvolunteers in live sessions. In addition, the module covers why creating student Q & A forums and posting frequently asked questions are practices that can help address student misconceptions.
Awarded February 15, 2021
In ACUE's module Providing Useful Feedback for Online Learning, faculty learn how to offer students effective feedback aligned to course outcomes that is timely, actionable, consequential, and user-friendly. In addition, the module includes practices to help students more effectively use feedback for improvement and to help instructors leverage technology to increase feedback efficiency.
Awarded February 21, 2021