Promoting Active Learning Online is one of four microcredentials available in ACUE's Course in Effective Online Teaching Practices. Modules in this credential present practices for developing effective modules and microlectures, using groups to ensure active online learning, using the active learning cycle in online courses, and planning and facilitating effective and engaging online discussions.
Individuals who earn this certificate have satisfied the expectations of the ACUE microcredential Promoting Active Learning Online, including successful completion of at least 6 modules aligned to ACUE’s Effective Practice Framework. Certificate holders have demonstrated knowledge of and skill in implementing teaching practices that promote student achievement. Certificate holders typically have invested approximately 12.5 hours to meet course requirements.

In ACUE's module Developing Effective Modules and Microlectures, faculty learn how to structure an online module to maximize learning. They also learn how to develop effective microlectures by chunking information and providing opportunities for interaction, processing, retrieval, and application.
Awarded March 13, 2022

In ACUE's module Teaching Powerful Note-Taking Online, faculty learn how to motivate students to take notes by sharing pointers and providing opportunities for students to use their notes. Practices that support note-taking by students include providing an organizing framework and focus questions for readings to help direct student note-taking.
Awarded March 29, 2022

In ACUE's module Using Groups to Ensure Active Online Learning, faculty learn to implement the essential components of effective active learning, including providing rationales for activities, promoting group interdependence, ensuring accountability among group members, and debriefing activities with students. The module helps instructors implement four active learning practices—Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw, role-play and assigning group member roles—dependent on the learning objectives they have set for their class session.
Awarded March 29, 2022

In ACUE's module Using the Active Learning Cycle in Online Courses, faculty learn practices for effectively planning and facilitating the Active Learning Cycle. The module includes practices to first pique student interest, then build content knowledge, and finally require students to apply new concepts.
Awarded April 19, 2022

In ACUE's module Planning Effective Online Discussions, faculty learn how to create thought-provoking discussions by aligning prompts with the purpose of a discussion, developing questions that leverage student experiences, and creating multiple prompts to allow student choice. In addition, the module shows how setting expectations for participation by providing rubrics and examples of productive posts can help students meet course expectations.
Awarded April 24, 2022

In ACUE's module Facilitating Engaging Online Discussions, faculty learn how to facilitate engaging conversations by balancing voices, encouraging quieter students, providing strategic feedback, and using questions to advance thinking.
Awarded April 24, 2022